

Author Guidelines

Triton Journal is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal. Submission of a paper to be published in the journal will be taken that it represents original work, not previously published or borrowed other's work. All submissions to this journal undergo first initial editor screening and rigorous peer-review, refereeing by two anonymous reviewers. The review process may take from two to three months.

Before submitting your manuscript, or for the matter, before writing for this journal, please consider that the audience of this journal entails a wide range: from academics to professionals, researchers, teachers, students as well as others. This journal publishes only the original research articles presenting theoretical/practical discussion of currently relevant topics and issues. We try to promote localized, (inter)disciplinary knowledge as well as comparative perspectives. Similarly, we publish full-length research, opinion and review papers.

Legal Requirements

  • The Editorial Board exclusively assumes that all the papers submitted to this journal are original and are not, partly or wholly, published anywhere else, nor are currently being considered for publication or in process of publication elsewhere.
  • Similarly, when authors submit their manuscripts, they declare that their manuscripts are their own writing and that there are no plagiarized texts in any form either from published or unpublished sources. The authors should fully honor others’ copyright.
  • The author(s) is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of facts, information, or the content in the papers submitted. Their paper should not contain any illegal, unauthorized, and unethical content. The authors are responsible for the ideas mentioned, discussed, analyzed and cited, and conclusions drawn. Thus, they should take all the responsibilities of whatsoever is written in their papers and have nothing to do with the Publisher (Triton International College) and the members of the Editorial Team.
  • Ideas, opinions, conclusions and critics expressed in the papers published in Triton Journal are solely those of authors and in no way represent views and policies of the Editorial Board or publishing organization. Thus, there will be no liability of the Editorial Board or publishing organization in case of any claim or critics by third party, researcher(s) should thus be accountable solely for any. The published work in Triton Journal, will not be published anywhere else without consent of the Editorial Board.
  • By submitting a manuscript to Triton Journal, the Editorial Board assumes that the author(s) fully agree, if accepted for publication, to transfer the publisher the exclusive right to first distribute their paper under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License.

Manuscript Preparation

  • The papers to be submitted should be written in English or Nepali and should consist of 5000 to 7000 words including abstracts, references, and notes.
  • The title page should contain the title, the name, institutional affiliation(s), position, E-mail of each author, and, in the case of co-authorship indicate the corresponding author.
  • All papers should also include an abstract of about 200-50 words. Likewise, all papers should also have 3-5 keywords, placed immediately below the abstract.
  • References in the manuscript should follow the author-date format following APA (7th edition) and MLA style (9th Edition) and should include Digital Object Identifiers (DOI). DOIs can be looked up here.
  • Headings, sub-titles, footnotes and/or endnotes should be documented as per the style guide (APA or MLA) that author has followed.
  • The editors of the journal humbly urge the authors to pay particular and close attention to making the language of the paper politically correct and non-discriminatory in any way. Please avoid sexist and racist terms.
  • In case copyrighted materials are to be used, it is the responsibility of the authors to obtain permission to reproduce the copyrighted materials.
  • The paper should be sent online as a standard attached file in MS Word at before or by 15th Magh, 2079. Please name your file clearly in the following format: NameSurname_Day_Month_year (e. g. KumarThapa_05_07_022)
  • Final decisions on the acceptance of the manuscript will be communicated to authors by email.

Page Layout and Design

Manuscripts should be submitted in the following format:

  1. Font: Times New Roman, size 12 (including titles and headings)
  2. Line space: Double
  3. Page margin: one-inch on all sides
  4. Text alignment: left
  5. Paragraphs: indent each paragraph (half-inch); no extra space in between paragraphs
  6. The manuscript should be sent in two files: one with metadata (containing the title page and abstract page) and the other main paper (beginning with the introduction, without the title of the paper and author information).
  7. The title page includes (in the order of): running head (also included on all other pages, flush left) and page number (flush right), title and subtitle of the paper (title case, bold, centered), and author information (each author's name, affiliation, email, ORCiD (register here), submission date).
  8. Author information [in standard (i.e., nonbold, nonitalic) font]: Place author information on a new line (two lines below the title) in the order of your name [first name, middle initial(s), surname]; affiliated institution (department or division, name of the institution), town/city and country; your email address on a new line; and your ORCiD Number on a new line.
  9. Add an asterisk (*) after the name of the corresponding author. Generally, the lead author is the corresponding author, but it is not necessary.
  10. At the end of the title page, type the date you email your paper.
  11. The second page is the ‘Abstract’ page. Type Abstract (bold, centered), and on the next line begin the abstract text (without indentation). The abstract should be of about 200 words.
  12. One line below the abstract, write the label “Keywords:” (bold), followed by three to five keywords (standard font) in lowercase (but capitalize necessary words like proper nouns), separated by commas.
  13. The main content of the paper should start on a new page. This is the content file of your manuscript which should exclusively contain the main text of the paper (do not repeat the title), with endnotes (if any), acknowledgements (if any), references, and appendices (if any).
  14. Tables should where possible be created simply using MS Word Table function. And, the tables and figures must follow the referencing style adopted by the author(s).
  15. Contents within the tables are to be single-spaced. Please use Font size 12 for both title and body.
  16. For emphasis, please use italics, not bold. Italics should also be used for non-English words, titles of books, plays, etc.
  17. Quotations less than 40 words are included within the paragraph enclosed by double-quotes. Quotations more than 40 words are to be separated from the paragraph, and the whole block is indented half-inch. Do not use double quotation marks to enclose the block quotation. The Editorial Board of this journal encourages authors to try to avoid the block quotations.
  18. All the manuscripts submitted to Triton Journal get through a phase of plagiarism test prior to their peer review process.
  • Submission deadline: 1st February, 2023
  • Notification of acceptance: 1st April, 2023
  • Publication Date: 15th May, 2023

Editorial Board